Friday 1 June 2012

Olympic Torch relay in the UK - runners with and for Down syndrome

Several people with Down syndrome have also been selected as torch bearers throughout Britain - nomination stories, dates of their runs and links to BBC coverage are here on the DSA (England) website.

And Penny Green, Director of the Down's Syndrome Heart Group as launched an awareness campaign as part of her torch run. From Andrew Boys, from Down Syndrome International:

Dear friends
I am forwarding an appeal on behalf of Penny Green of Down’s Heart Group in the UK who has been given the honour of carrying the Olympic Torch on a part of its journey around the UK prior to the 2012 London Olympics. Penny is taking the opportunity to honour people with Down syndrome around the world on what will be a global stage. Please take the time to read below and consider sponsoring this event so that we can include the name of a person with Down syndrome or an advocacy organisation from your country on the t-shirts and in the Press Call afterwards.

Many thanks
Andrew Boys
Down Syndrome International

On July 9th 2012 I have the huge honour of carrying the Olympic Torch as part of the relay around the UK prior to the start of the Games. As I am doing this to honour people with DS around the world, I wanted to include as many of them as possible on the day.

So supporters who are coming along to watch on the day will be wearing t-shirts with a specially designed logo (as above) thanks to Jorge Arnoldson of Buddy Cruise. On the back we will have the names of individuals from around the world (as below) and I would like to invite all of you to have your loved ones name included. I'd also like to have the logos of DS organisations from around the world too.
I am asking for a small donation to cover the cost of t-shirts and printing, but after that any funds will be divided equally between Down's Heart Group, Down Syndrome Nigeria Support and Down Syndrome International (for the Global Outreach programme). So I do hope that many of you will be able to be part of this and help me get lots of names and logos to show the world we are one large worldwide family.

There is daily live coverage of the Torch Relay for those that want to watch me, t-shirts will be available to buy for anyone wanting to wear one on the day to be part of things and of course if anyone can come along to Dunstable on the day, I'd love to see you there (just let me know so you can wear a t-shirt and come along to the breakfast reception afterwards where we will hold a press call!)

To sponsor a name please pledge a minimum donation of £5 and email stating the name you want to sponsor, the country and your pledge amount.

To sponsor an organisation logo please pledge a minimum donation of £15 and email attaching a jpeg of the logo and include the country and your pledge amount.

I will send a Paypal payment request which will also confirm receipt of your email.

If you are interested in buying t-shirts too, please indicate how many in your email (without obligation). Prices to purchase t-shirts will be posted on Facebook and emailed to you as soon as I can after I have some idea of quantities.

The Facebook event page is here.

The deadline for inclusion of names and logos on Olympic Torch Relay t-shirts is midnight June 10th.

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