Saturday 16 June 2012

Weekend reading and viewing: 16 - 17 June

(UK) Man with Down’s Syndrome who could barely leave house travels to Australia - short news piece about Andrew Parker, a man who was well supported to manage anxiety about travel.

Hope vs reality - a well thought out question and series of responses about balancing expectations for a young child with Down syndrome, published on an online forum.

How does the iPad impact on student learning? The Hills School iPad Project -  a Sydney school is trialling iPad technology with its students with special needs (a post on Spectronics Blog)

Becky from Glee: mum says I can't sing - a short post about actor Lauren Potter, and a link to a podcast interview with Lauren and her Mum, on Ouch!, the BBC's blog by and about people with disabilities.

Tim's Place restaurant takes unique approach thanks to special owner - a short CBS News video about Tim Harris, a young man with Down syndrome, who owns a restaurant in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and his Dad - this weekend is Fathers' Day in North America.

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