Tuesday 24 July 2012

Autism Discussion Page: information relevant to people with Down syndrome too

Jackie Softly from Down Syndrome Western Australia recommends the Facebook page, Autism Discussion Page, which she often finds relevant and useful for parents and those working to support people with Down syndrome, whether they have also been diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum or not.

From the page description:

This page was developed by Bill Nason, MS, LLP to discuss tools that help children on the spectrum feel safe, accepted and competent. Although each child is different, with their unique strengths and challenges, their are some common strategies that can strengthen the social, emotion, and cognitive security for most children on the spectrum. Come learn, share, and support.

This discussion page will present a tool box of strategies for helping the child feel safe, accepted and competent.

Recent posts from (around 21 - 22 July) are on homework, preference-based learning, and focus on strengths and interests - that all sounds highly relevant!

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