Friday 27 July 2012

NDIS: COAG + 2 days

Are you keeping up with developments this afternoon?

NSW to provide $35 million for NDIS July 27, 2012 - 4:34PM, The Age online, via AAP:  
NSW government has promised to contribute $35 million for a trial of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Disability Services Minister Andrew Constance says. (This is the full report so far).

Baillieu makes offer to break disability impasse Frances Bell, ABC News onlineJuly 27, 2012 (4.30 pm)

End the deadlock and Make the NDIS RealEvery Australian Counts campaign media release, 27th July 2012

While they bicker about the NDIS, we're left paying, Stella Young, Ramp Up 27th July 2012

Deadlock as leaders play politics with disability scheme, Phillip Coorey, Sydney Morning Herald, 27th July 2012

Julia Gillard rejected states' NDIS offer, Peter Van Onselen and Matthew Franklin, The Australian 27th July, 2012

Council of Australian Governments Meeting РCommuniqu̩, COAGCanberra, 25 July 2012

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