Saturday 21 July 2012

Weekend reading and viewing 21st - 22nd July

Living a good life isn't just about a job, Craig Wallace, Ramp Up, 16th July 2012

Asking others to be there ~ creating a place for support and friendship to grow, Margaret Rogers,   Communique, July 2012, pp 21-22, published by Family Advocacy (originally published in Thinking About,  Belonging Matters, Victoria, 2011)

This girl has special needs, and one day dreams of being a mum.  Does anyone have the right to stop her having a baby? Marie Claire magazine June 2012, and Women with Disabilities Australia.

Long Shots, Open Books Open Doors (blog), 16th July 2012. A 21 year old woman with Down syndrome who emerged from school unable to read, begins to learn.

The Doctors' Waiting Room, or, The Value of Our Daughter's Life, Down Side Up blog (UK), 18th July 2012

Tom, Conny Wenk News blog 19th July 2012. A beautiful family photo shoot with Tom (3) and his parents. Conny Wenk often features people with Down syndrome in her Lifestyle Photography.  

Partners in Policymaking: Altogether Better, In Control UK . Overview to PIP suite of leadership training leadership training courses for disabled adults, parents and  carers of disabled children, professionals and other service providers working in education, health and leisure.

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