Saturday 28 July 2012

Weekend reading and viewing 28th - 29th July

A girl with Down Syndrome is new face of swimwear, Natalie Reilly, Daily life, A popular story this week - this version also poses some thoughtful questions.

How do we stop young people entering aged care? Di Winkler and Libby Callaway, Ramp Up 20 Jul 2012

Mainstream or special school? Our decision for the later years of high school, Fiona Place, Disabilty and Culture, 22nd July 2012

Aggression and sibs, Kate Strohm - a blog post for Siblings Australia

Reminder: the (US) National Down Syndrome Congress has made 17 sessions from its 2012 Convention in Washington DC available online - you can sign up to access the sessions up until June 12013.

Proloquo2go webinars - you can access past webinars through iTunes (as video poscasts), and/or sign up for future webinars

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