Wednesday 8 August 2012

11th World Down Syndrome Congress - online options

For those of us unable to get to Capetown for the 11th World Down Syndrome Congress starting next week, congress organisers have provided an update on how we can tap into the gathering and the expertise of the speakers from home. This message is from Andrew Boys, Director of Down Syndrome International:

The 11th World Down Syndrome Congress (WDSC) is finally upon us (14-18 August 2012) and for the first time in 2012 you can join us from the comfort of your computer screens by taking part in the WDSC SOCIAL MEDIA PROJECT. 

For the durati
on of the WDSC, we will post minute by minute coverage including quotes from our speakers and presentations, photographs and video which we hope will enable you to feel an integral part of this global event.


LIKE US on Facebook “World Down Syndrome Congress”

FOLLOW US on Twitter “World DS Congress” 

SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL on YouTube “wdsc 2012” 

The theme of the WDSC is the “BIG FIVE” - RIGHTS, HEALTH, SOCIAL PARTICIPATION, EDUCATION and EMPLOYMENT. We will post details of the WDSC Speakers Programme to our Facebook page, but you can also find out much more about the WDSC at our website 

We look forward to a successful WDSC and we hope that many of you can participate in 2012 from the comfort of your computer screens!

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