Thursday 16 August 2012

Buddy Walk - Australia 2012: NSW dates and places

Buddy Walk is Down Syndrome NSW's major annual fundraising event, to be held this year on Sunday 14th and 21st October. 

Buddy Walk is an international walk-a-thon style event aimed at raising funds for and awareness of Down syndrome via sponsorship, media advertising and publicity. There are more than 260 Buddy Walks around the world.

In Australia, walks coincide with Down Syndrome Awareness Week during October in Adelaide, Sydney, Hunter Region, Wagga Wagga, and Melbourne.

Who participates?
All are welcome to this fun community event! Last year more than 5,000 participants and volunteers attended Buddy Walks around Australia, making it the most successful yet. Buddy Walk brings together people with Down syndrome and their invited 'buddies' - everyone from family and friends to teachers, politicians and co-workers - to promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome within the community. Participants each create their own web page, and invite their 'buddies' to sponsor their walk by making tax deductible donations to Down Syndrome NSW.

Sydney  Sunday 14th October

Hunter Region  Sunday 21st October

Illawarra Region  Sunday 21st October

Wagga Wagga  Sunday 21st October

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