Thursday 2 August 2012

Children's holiday camp: December, St Ignatius, Riverview

For a number of years, St IgnatiusCollege, Riverview (on Sydney's lower North Shore) has held a highly regarded annual four day holiday camp for children with physical and intellectual disabilities. The event aims to:

  • provide a fun camp for children at no cost to parents
  • provide children opportunities they might not otherwise experience
  • offer respite care to families
  • offer senior students an opportunity to serve others

This year's camp will be held from Thursday, 13 December 2012 to Sunday, 16 December, 2012.  

It is planned that it will accommodate 30 boys and girls between the age of 5 and 15 who have intellectual and physical disabilities.

For further information about what the camp offers, its sponsors, and how to apply for a place, visit the Ignatian Children's Camp website. Applications close 31st August 2012.

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