Thursday 2 August 2012

Dating and disability: Life Matters, ABC Radio

Life Matters, on ABC Radio National this morning featured a ten minute segment on how people with intellectual disabilities can be supported to develop and sustain the relationships they choose:

The world of dating can be a tricky for anyone entering into it but for those with intellectual disabilities the opportunity to meet people can often be more limited. Liz Dore is a relationship counsellor who runs friendship and dating skills workshops and provides dating coaching for the intellectually disabled. Danielle Pham, who has (Down syndrome), has attended both the workshops and taken part in dating coaching. She met her partner at one of the workshops and has been in a relationship for three years now.

Congratulations to both Danielle and Liz on a great interview.  Liz Dore's website is Relationships and Private Stuff, for more information on her counselling services and workshop.
The segment is available as a podcast, or for direct listening on the
Life Matters website, here.

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