Monday 6 August 2012

Ken Hancock 1940 - 2012

We were very sorry to hear the news of Ken Hancock’s death on last Thursday (2nd August), after a long illness. 

Down Syndrome NSW members will have known Ken for the many contributions he made to the organization, from its earliest years, and as Tom’s father. Ken was a Committee and Board member, and an office-bearer on several occasions, giving many years of service, including several terms as President of Down Syndrome NSW, most recently from 2006-2010. 

As a lawyer, Ken was generous in giving of his professional expertise, time and efforts both as the organisation’s lawyer, and in sharing legal advice with families, particularly on the formulation of wills and estate planning. He was co-author, with Stephen Booth, of “When I’m Gone”, a booklet of such advice published by the Intellectual Disability Rights Service.

Ken played a very active role in caring for Tom, and took a great interest in how Down Syndrome NSW was best able to support families throughout their lives. He attended events and meetings, advised on policy and practice, and got know many of us personally. He wrote for our journals about legal and family matters, spoke at seminars and meetings, offering a guiding hand in the development of both Down Syndrome NSW and Down Syndrome Australia. He mentored and supported staff and often called staff members to thank them for organizing or participating in particular activities and events. He cooked sausages at Buddy Walks, and involved his fellow-Rotarians from two clubs in supporting the event by providing an excellent standard of catering. During his illness, Ken took part in all these activities whenever he could, taking his laptop to hospital so that he could keep up with emails.

Our sympathy is extended to Ken's wife Rachel, and to his children Tom, James, and Molly and their families in their loss of such a fine man.

Funeral arrangements for Thursday 9th August, are here.

1 comment:

  1. So very sorry to hear about Ken, such sad news. My thoughts are with his family. May he now be at peace.
    Candy Connors
