Tuesday 28 August 2012

Living Life My Way Ambassadors and Champions Program

From NSW Ageing, Disability and Home Care:
On 24 April 2012, the Minister for Disability Services, the Hon. Andrew Constance MP, announced that the NSW Government was setting up the Living Life My Way Ambassadors and Champions Program to raise awareness of person centred approaches in NSW.
Vision for a person centred disability support system

The NSW Government's vision for a person centred disability support system is one in which:
  • People with a disability, their families and carers have choice and control over their support arrangements to suit their needs
  • People with a disability are supported to live a good life by achieving their full potential, living as independently as possible and participating in the community and the economy
  • Families and carers are supported to sustain positive and healthy relationships and pursue their own goals
  • The disability sector is diverse and sustainable, offering quality, person centred and cost effective supports.

About the Living Life My Way Ambassadors and Champions Program

The purpose of this two-year initiative is to raise community awareness and understanding of person centred supports and the Government's policy directions for self directed support and individualised budgets.
The Government is looking for enthusiastic people who are passionate about person centred approaches, have experience in self-managing their supports and are willing to share their experiences and inspire others.
Up to 50 community representatives from a range of backgrounds will each be appointed for 12 months as Ambassadors and Champions.
Recruitment for the first round of Ambassadors and Champions is now open. Applications should be submitted by Friday 21 September 2012.

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