Tuesday 14 August 2012

National Youth Disabiity Conference 2012: Melbourne, September

The National Youth Disability Conference (NYDC) will bring together young people with disabilities, peak bodies, representative organisations, and passionate workers and researchers in the field, from across Australia to: 
- Identify and develop clear actions in relation to priority National issues. 
- Strengthen the voice of young Australians with disabilities. 
- Provide opportunities for service providers, workers, researchers and peak bodies to respond more effectively to the needs of young Australians with disabilities.
Keynote speakers include: The Hon. Kelly Vincent MLC, Stella Young, Editor of ABC’s Ramp Up, Graeme Innes, Australian Disability Discrimination Commissioner and The Hon. Jenny Macklin, Minister for Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs and Minister for Disability Reform.
24th & 25th September 2012,  Melbourne

Preliminary program and registration information is now available on the conference website.

National Youth Disability Conference 2012 on Facebook

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