Thursday 23 August 2012

Press release from Down Syndrome International


Down Syndrome International  is aware of the recent media reports of the arrest of a young child in Pakistan on blasphemy charges, and that a number of the media reports have suggested that she has Down syndrome.
As we continue to look into the matter to ascertain the facts and determine the best course of action, we are of course deeply concerned for the safety and well being of the child. We are in contact with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNICEF, Amnesty International and the Pakistan Down Syndrome Association to try to ascertain these facts.
Should it be verified that the child has Down syndrome, we will offer our expert advice in collaboration with others including the Government of Pakistan on all issues related to persons with Down syndrome.
Wednesday 22nd August (UK)

Joint Statement from The Global Down Syndrome Foundation, the National Down Syndrome Society, Down Syndrome Education International and the International Down Syndrome Coalition

The Global Down Syndrome Foundation, the National Down Syndrome Society, Down Syndrome Education International and the International Down Syndrome Coalition have joined together in shared concern over the fate of Rifta Masih, a young Pakistani girl reported to have Down syndrome, who allegedly was jailed and faces life-threatening implications.

People with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities are a vulnerable population. Although early intervention and inclusion in some nations has meant great gains for many, there are still people with intellectual disabilities who have difficulty processing information or fully understanding the consequences of their actions.

We hope and expect that people from all countries and cultures, including those in the United States, will take this into account in terms of how people with Down syndrome and other intellectual disabilities are handled in police- and security-related matters. We strongly encourage the Pakistani police to ensure the young girl's safety and to allow family members and others who are known and trusted by the girl to stay with her to the extent that detention is necessary for her own protection.

It is very difficult for most people with intellectual disabilities to be taken out of their routine, and sometimes this may trigger agitated or uncontrollable behavior. We hope that this young girl will be able to return to the routine where she is safe and happy. We join others in urging restraint and compassion in this situation.

Tuesday 21st August

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