Thursday 9 August 2012

School-Link online newsletter: August 2012 issue

The August 2012 edition of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead’s School-Link newsletter on mental health and intellectual disability in children and adolescents is now available on the School-Link website or at this direct link 

Highlights include:

·  Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): Raising awareness of a preventable disability in our midst by Associate Professor David Dossetor
·  Neglect and the Developing Brain by Dr Phil Ray
·  Play Therapy and the Yellow Brick Road by Kellie van Sebille
·  Conference reviews, upcoming training and much more.
·  School Link Coordinator Jodie Caruana writes in her editorial:
      The Children’s Hospital at Westmead School-Link Initiative has been working with Ageing, Disability and Home Care, Department of Family and Community Services (ADHC) and several Department of Education and Community Schools for Specific Purposes across NSW to deliver the Group Stepping Stones Triple P parenting program

     Stepping Stones is delivered to groups of parents or carers with children with a developmental disability (aged 0-12 years) to reduce problem behaviour. The program is delivered over the course of 9 weeks involving 6 x 2½ hour group sessions and 3 x (15-30 minute) individual telephone consultations. School staff (school counsellors or teachers) were trained and accredited by Triple P in 2011 and then paired with a trained staff member from ADHC to co-facilitate the program to a group of parents in their school. 

     Groups are only just finishing up but preliminary reports from the facilitators are that the groups have been very successful. We will report more on this project in the next edition.

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