Friday 24 August 2012

Spectronics Blog: *so* much information!

Brisbane-based Spectronics has been a long time leading Australasian player in the field of educational software and assistive technology designed to meet the needs of learners with special needs. Their blog is a comprehensive resource, made freely available to users, with a wealth of information, categorised under four headings for ease of navigation.  Their bloggers are experts in their fields.

This post (for example) from speech pathologist Katie Lyon, under the 'tools and resources' header looks at a range of apps that can be used to make social stories (some are free, others are low-cost).

And a recent Facebook post gives advance notice of a new service that will be launched soon:
Not long until we release "Spectronics Online"! A subscription-based service giving you access to videos created by our Consultancy team of Greg O'Connor, Cha Cullen, Katie Lyon and Amanda Hartmann. Presenting guides to apps for literacy support, social stories, supporting students with autism and how to access the iPad for students with physical disabilities.

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