Saturday 18 August 2012

Weekend reading and viewing: 18th and 19th August

Proloquo2Go Changes, Aileen Ryan, Key Word Signing and Proloquo2Go (blog)  13th August 2012

Being an Adult with Down Syndrome, Paul Sawka, Canadian Down Syndrome Society - Paul's latest blog post.

Young people with disabilities have something to sayGeorge Taleporos, Ramp Up, 14th August 2012

Overpronation (of the ankle), Adult Down Syndrome Center, 17th August 2012  - on inward rolling of the ankle.

NSW Disability Industry Innovation Awards winners announced, Minister for Disability Services, 14th August 2012

Aukland flashmob  4 1/2 minutes of sheer fun. A hundred young people with disabilities surprised thousands of shoppers at Auckland’s Sylvia Park shopping mall on Saturday 9th June by performing to Lady Gaga’s Born This Way.

11th World Down Syndrome Congress (Capetown, 15th - 17th August) social media:
The main Congress program has now finished, but more material will be posted over the next few days.

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