Saturday 4 August 2012

Weekend reading and viewing 4th - 5th August

Are we stumbling towards a society with no children being born with Down Syndrome? Keiron Smith, The Independent (blogs) (UK), 30th July 2012

What My Son's Disabilities Taught Me About 'Having It All' Marie Myung-Ok Lee,  The Atlantic 30th July 2012

UA Established as International Center for Down Syndrome Research Alexis Blue, University Communications, University of Arizona, August 1, 2012

Speechless -  a very cool PSA for Special Olympics, featuring Susie Doyen, a golfer who has Down syndrome. Check out the other videos whose links appear on this page (the Special Olympics channel).

Canadian play features actors with Down syndrome - interview with director and one of the actors from the play 'Rare', Canada am, CTV News, 1st August 2012

'Heart and Sold' - brochure for a UK exhibition of the work of 12 artists with Down syndrome, held in the UK in June.  Beautiful photos and a statement about each artist's work.

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