Monday 15 October 2012

Buddy Walk Sydney 2012 ... on the Bridge, and over the other side

Click on the images for a larger view

Let's go!
From the Bridge deck
Enjoying the view
It's a long way Dad ...
"Isla Lila's Team"
We're there!
Morning tea for Isla

 Team Bellarina: 45 walkers in all (minus the 2 on the left that just jumped in the photo).We all walked for Miss Bella  - Miss Bella you have some special friends. This was my first walk and one that I will be talking about for ages to come. The whole day has made me realise that I need to just live my life carefree and HAPPY. Thank you for organising such a special day.

Friends for life. Belki was Bella’s Teacher’s Aide
Thanks to Candy Connors, Denise Da Silva and Josh Coburn for their photos

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