Saturday 27 October 2012

Weekend reading and viewing 27th - 28th October

My child with Down syndrome is not a gift from God, Hallie Levine Sklar, published by To The Max, for (US) Down Syndrome Month, October 2012 ' ...  painting kids with Down Syndrome as innocent little angels has the potential to be dangerous, or at least to do them a disservice. It refuses to acknowledge that kids with Down Syndrome are actually human beings with issues and concerns of their very own.'  

Man with Down's syndrome achieves ambition to elected as parish councillor in Nuthal, Nottingham Post (UK), 25th October 2012. Interestingly, this article was initially headed 'Down's syndrome sufferer elected ...', but the headline was quickly changed when a number of readers pointed out that 'suffering' was inappropriate, especially for such a positive report!

Advocates find party isn't their cup of teaDaniella Miletic, Sydney Morning Herald, 23rd October 2012 Are Australian disability advocates 'too polite'?

Child removals from intellectually disabled parents 'inhumane', Emma Renwick, ABC News online, 23rd October 2012.  While very few people with Down syndrome have children of their own, it is certainly not unknown - this is a confronting and complex issue with no easy answers.

Duty of care pays off with Down Syndrome. Inner West Courier, 15th October 2012.  Last week was Carers Week, as well as Down Syndrome Awareness Week - this local news story tells 'two in one.'

Helen Sanderson Associates - Reading Room: this web page provides a rich list of reading and other resources about person-centred planning and people with intellectual disability (called learning disability in the UK). Several of the examples feature people with Down syndrome. There is a great deal of useful information throughout this website.

Tiny Dancer, a short video on a well-thought out dance class for children with Down syndrome run by the Global Down Syndrome Foundation in Colorado - a very high cute factor here. Physical therapist and writer Pat Winders appears.

Tiny Dancer from 5280 on Vimeo.

Photo album from Special Olympics Australia's DisAbilitea at Homebush, 26th October - athletes spoke about the support they need from an NDIS, including several with Down syndrome. They made it personal by holding placards giving their own names to support the campaign for the NDIS.

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