Thursday 31 January 2013

It's nearly T 4321 time

T4321 is an opportunity for the whole community to join in the celebrations for World Down Syndrome Day - 21st March - recognise the abilities and achievements of people with Down syndrome and raise vital funds to support their needs.

Anyone can take part, anywhere by putting on a morning or afternoon tea, inviting friends, workmates, neighbours, club members, and enjoying some good company and conversation over a friendly cuppa.

People with Down syndrome are now living more confident happy and independent lives than ever dreamed possible. To celebrate that fact and to foster further advancement by creating greater community acceptance and understanding, the first World Down Syndrome Day was declared on 21st March, 2006.

By the following year, hundreds of organisations around the world had joined in the
celebrations with a variety of events. In NSW, ‘Tea for 321’ (T4321) was launched with over 60 events and over 1000 people taking part across NSW.

To host a T 4321 event or for more information contact Priscilla Leong on 9841 4404 or

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