Saturday 26 January 2013

Young Australian of the Year is a Special Olympics volunteer and mentor

The 2013 Young Australian of the Year, announced in Canberra last night is Akram Azimi, a Special Olympics Western Australia (SOWA) volunteer and mentor on the Athlete Leadership Program (ALPs) at Special Olympics Australia. Special Olympics Australia said the award is 'great news and well deserved. Akram is a passionate advocate and supporter of Special Olympics athletes - well done on this prestigious award.' (SOA FAcebook page, 25/01/2013)

Read more about Akram Azimi's mentoring activities on the Australian of the Year website.

Akram Azimi, ALPS Mentor and Young Australian of the Year 2013, with athlete Brad Osborne and fellow mentor West Coast Eagles captain Darren Glass. (Photo: Special Olympics Australia)

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