Wednesday 20 February 2013

Great post at 'Let's Talk - Down syndrome' on evaluating products and programs

Will it work? How to choose a product/program for your child with Down syndrome is today's post on Jennifer Bekin's excellent blog, Let's Talk - Down syndrome.  

She describes typical scenarios where products or programs are flagged as potentially or 'definitely' helpful in promoting the development of children with Down syndrome, a typical range of parents' responses, and gives a set of principles and actions to apply before committing your energy, time, money and expectations. There is a link to a short 'Toolkit for examining treatments' developed by Jennifer, as a checklist for  working your way through claims and evidence.

The advice is not just useful in evaluating communication and feeding programs for children with Down syndrome - the whole post would translate nicely for products and programs offered for a child with any kind of developmental disability, in any field.

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