Wednesday 6 February 2013

Independence! Families' experiences

Early intervention, school preparation, post school options then... 


Theirs and Ours

What does Independent living look like? What are other families doing? What supported living package are available?

Come and have a conversation and share information as four families share the practicalities, pitfalls and triumphs of seeking independence for their son or daughter with Down syndrome. 

2.00 - 4.30 pm, Saturday 23rd February 2013

Burwood RSL Club, 96 Shaftesbury Rd 

$11 for Down Syndrome NSW members; $16.50 for non-members

Tea, coffee and snacks on arrival.

For bookings please call Siena or Michelle 
on 9841 4444 by Thursday 21st February.

Membership available on the day.

This is the first of many family workshops to come in 2013

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