Thursday 7 February 2013

Parliament debates NDIS legislation

Pollies make passionate pleas for NDIS
7th February 2013

Federal MPs from both sides of politics have told personal tales about relatives during debate on the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Liberal frontbencher Bob Baldwin (today) told parliament about his brother Bill, a diabetic double amputee on dialysis, while Labor backbencher Chris Hayes choked up briefly when talking about his autistic grandson.

"I know the effect it has financially, emotionally to all those who love and care for Nathaniel," Mr Hayes said of his grandson's diagnosis.

"I want for my grandson to be able to grow up in a community that cares ... a community that will seek to welcome his involvement in the future."  

... Labor's Andrew Leigh said the existing system was a patchwork, with carers frustrated by demands to continually prove a disability still existed.

Dr Leigh said mothers of Down syndrome children had to keep proving their chromosomes haven't changed ... Read the full AAP article here

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