Friday 22 February 2013

Vision in children with Down syndrome

The London based Down's Syndrome Association has made vision in people with Down syndrome the theme for their Awareness Week in March, and has made a number of new resources  about vision available online here.
Aim: To increase greater understanding of visual acuity and what it means for people with Down's syndrome.
What can we do to help?
Appreciate that people with Down's syndrome see the world differently – their world lacks fine details and sharp contracts. In order to compensate for the poorer visual acuity we can make the world around them big and bold.

Big and Bold printed materials and images will help – people with Down's syndrome are visual learners so to help them succeed make sure they can see things. 
We also need to ensure that all professionals from school and onwards are aware of the poorer visual acuity and make simple changes to ensure that it is big and bold.
The resource list includes a new article from Dr Maggie Woodhouse, a world renowned researcher and clinician in vision in children with Down syndrome, Vision in children with Down syndrome, that was published in the Spring/Summer 2013 issue of the DSA Journal.

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