Saturday 23 February 2013

Weekend reading and viewing, 23rd - 24th February 2013

Vision in children with Down syndrome, Maggie Woodhouse, DSA Journal (UK), Spring/Summer 2013, February 2013.  In case you missed yesterday's post linking to this article and other new resources about vision in children with Down syndrome.

Schoolgirl beats the odds, Hannah Martin, The Mercury (Hobart), 2nd February 2013

The furore surrounding my model child: a mother responds. Catia Malaquias, nine.msn Thursday, February 7, 2013

Gabrielle Clark, Australia Day Ambassador, Australia Day Council, 2013

Disability in film - are attitudes  changing? Scott Jordan Harris, Ouch! 21st February 2013

Ageing and Intellectual Disability: Staying Well and Included Forum, La Trobe University and Radius Disability Services, 13th February 2013. Presentations from this free community forum are available for free download via iTunes:
  • “Understanding and addressing mental health inequalities” by A/Prof. Julian Trollor, University of New South Wales
  • “Approaching dementia assessment for people with intellectual disability” by Dr. Jenny Torr, Monash University
  • “Supporting active and healthy ageing – Service system challenges” by Prof. Christine Bigby, La Trobe University

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