Saturday 9 February 2013

Weekend reading, viewing and listening: 9th - 10th February 2013

Doctors Need to Understand Their Patients When It Comes to Prenatal TestingNancy Iannone, guest blog on Thin Places, 5th February 2013

Involuntary sterilisation of people with disability Episode 22, Podrights, Australian Human Rights Commission, 26th November 2012. (Links to MP3, 21 minutes 58 seconds, and/or transcript). In October 2012 the Senate Community Affairs Committee announced its intention to consider the involuntary sterilisation of people with disability. Despite the requirement for authorisation for sterilisation of girls and women with disability from the Family Court of Australia, or from state guardianship tribunals, the practice of non-therapeutic sterilisation continues to occur. While exact figures within the health sector are difficult to obtain, the anecdotal evidence received suggests that the practice still occurs both formally and informally. In this instalment of Podrights, Executive Director of Women With Disabilities Australia Carolyn Frohmader, joins Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Graeme Innes, to discuss this issue.

Asking for it: The politics of assistance, Stella Young, Ramp Up,  21st January 2011

What I hope Daniel Day-Lewis says at the Oscars, Mark Leach, Down Syndrome Prenatal Testing (blog), 7th February 2013

Dakota's Pride, 2008 award winning PBS Documentary now available in full online.  The DVD is available for DS NSW members to borrow from our library.

Patrick McCarthy embarks on the tip of a lifetime,, 27th January 2013 A young Chicago man with Down syndrome prepares to compete is speed skating at the recent Special Olympics World Winter Games in South Korea. Thanks to the Adult Down Syndrome Clinic for the link.

Games Update: World Winter Games, Special Olympics Australia, 7th February 2013. Stories and pictures of the small but very successful Team Australia at PeyongChang. For anyone interested in winter sports.

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