Tuesday 9 April 2013

Calling on Australian Proloquo2Go users aged 6 - 12 yrs

AssistiveWare is looking for Australian families with children in the age range 6 to 12 that are great Proloquo2Go users and would be willing to share their success story with the media.
Selected kids will get access to a secret new version of Proloquo2Go that includes some cool new features specifically designed for this age group and that will not be publicly released until early May.

At this time there are already many stories out there on kids with autism so we thought we would see if we could find some families with kids with Down syndrome, cerebral palsy or other diagnosis so that their voice and that of their families can also be heard in the media.

If you would like to chat some more about this email me (Aileen Ryan) at a.ryan@assistiveware.com  -  send me your phone number and best time for you to chat and I can call you, as I am in Australia. Look forward to hearing from you.

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