Wednesday 17 April 2013

Epilepsy Management in the Disability Sector - Individual and family survey

With funding from the NDIS Practical Design Fund, the Epilepsy Foundation of Victoria has formed a partnership with Flinders University and Bendigo Community Health Services (BCHS) to explore levels of epilepsy knowledge and the level of involvement of people with epilepsy and their family in developing their Epilepsy Management Plan.

If you live in Australia, are over the age of 18 years with a disability and epilepsy, or you are a family member with a person with a disability and epilepsy of any age, please complete this short 20 minute online survey.

Paid support staff may also complete the survey on behalf of clients over the age of 18 years with their consent. Questions will relate to your knowledge of epilepsy, and your Epilepsy Management Plan (if you have one).

The survey closes 31st July 2013.

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