Saturday 20 April 2013

Weekend reading 20th - 21st April 2013

Four Myths About Prenatal Testing
Amy Julia Becker (guest blogger), To the Max, 11th April, 2013
When I was a pregnant 28-year old, I didn’t hesitate as my doctor offered a screening test for various genetic conditions. I figured it couldn’t hurt me or my baby, and that the information the test provided would most likely allow me to check a box off my mental list.

How to talk about the Boston tragedy to children, people with disabilities,
John Langeler KING 5 News (Boston), 16th April 2013
Sound advice following any disaster: We shouldn’t avoid the topic, but sometimes, we should let the person with the disability lead the understanding.

How to Respond to Unhelpful Comments: Top 10 Comeback Lines For Individuals With Special Needs, 
Karen Wang, Friendship Circle, 4th April 2013
It happens sooner or later to just about everyone who lives with a disability: someone will say something nosy, rude or truly offensive. It may help to have a response prepared for that day.
Christopher Weaver, Wall Street Journal, 13th April 2013
New prenatal blood tests for genetic abnormalities such as Down syndrome are reshaping care for expectant mothers, but their rapid rollout has raised fears that poorly understood results could lead to confusion among patients and doctors managing high-risk pregnancies.

iPad learning
Beverley Dean, Full Potential (Down Syndrome Scotland Journal), Spring 2013
Our son William is seven and has Down’s syndrome. As parents we had a gut feeling that iPads could help him learn, but we struggled to find suitable apps for him that were simple, easy to use and could be personalised. It was one of those life-changing moments when I looked at my husband, Colin, and said, “We could write something for him!”

Video Modeling 
Dower and Associates, Pinterest
'Dower and Associates, Inc. is 'a multi – disciplinary private practice with a focus in speech/language, education and behavior analysis ... specializ(ing) in working with persons on the Autism Spectrum.' This Pinterest board currently has links to 27 online videos demonstrating video modelling.

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