Saturday 13 April 2013

Weekend reading and viewing 13th - 14th April 2013

Motivating your child with Down syndrome to talk,
Jennifer Bekins, Talk - Down Syndrome, 8th April 2013
Imagine you are a child with DS. You understand more than people think you do. You get frustrated because it is so difficult to let them know what, how, and why you are feeling a certain way.

Mom, I Hate Having Down syndrome
Valerie Strohl, Friendship Circle, 11th April 2013.
My 14-year old daughter told me this the other day. Honestly, I sat there for a minute because I didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t a big surprise to me because she had implied in the past that she wanted nothing to do with Down Syndrome.

Speech Pathology Australia - Fact Sheets
A series of  Fact Sheets on topics related to speech pathology, being released during April.

30 ideas for 30 days
Paula Kluth,, April 2013
April is Autism Awareness month. We know that the incidence of autism among people with Down syndrome is higher than in the rest of the population, and the co-incidence usually causes significant additional challenges.  Those people and their families need information, support and resources about autism, as well as about Down syndrome.  Paula Kluth's blog during this month is an excellent contribution: For the fourth year in a row, I will be sharing 30 ideas in 30 days during April. I will share ideas from six different books and will feature photos, examples, and teacher-tested tips. I hope you will enjoy the ideas and be able to use them to better support your students and your children.

Three articles from this week's online offerings comment on aspects of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (DisabilityCare Australia) as the July launch approaches:

Why the NDIS is shifting the paradigm and the balance of power
Melissa Sweet, Croakey, 10th April 2013
Jackie Softly (DS Western Australia) says: A really excellent, easy to read and even humorous presentation about the NDIS. If everything else you've ever read about the new National Disability Scheme has left you even more confused, do yourself a favour and read this.

NDIS: rights-based paradigm shift or same old charity?
Heike Fabig, Ramp Up, 11th April 2013
Charities have a place in society, but Heike Fabig believes it's time they were taken out of the disability system.

Will charitable disability services become prey?
Daniel Leighton, Ramp Up, 10th April 2013
The introduction of the National Disability Insurance Scheme should mean growth in quality private sector services for people with disabilities. But Daniel Leighton wonders if a business model geared toward profit will look after some of the most vulnerable people in the community.

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