Thursday 9 May 2013

Library Thursday, 9th May 2013

Calling on Artists and Photographers 

Back into the swing of things after our move!

Time to start sending in photos of people with Down syndrome for our annual calendar. The deadline for submissions is the end of June 2013.

The preferred format is JPEG, although photographic prints will be accepted. Please forward digital files to 

Prints to be sent to our new postal address:

Down Syndrome NSW
PO Box 107
Northmead NSW 2152

We are also seeking artworks (photos, drawings, paintings, mixed media etc) created by people with Down syndrome, to use as illustration in our publications, thereby showcasing the creative activities of people with Down syndrome.

It is preferable that scanned and/or photographic images be at print resolution ie 300 dpi. Acknowledgement of the creator of the work will be given.

Feel free to contact Jo at the library email address below for more information

Please submit scanned images and/or photos to

Please include details of the artists name, age and year of production, if possible, in a folder labeled “Images for DS NSW Publications by ____”

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