Wednesday 1 May 2013

More on NDIS funding ...

Debate and reporting on funding National Disability Insurance Scheme continues across national news media today, including an expanded response from Stella Young, following yesterday's criticism of a levy:
... Predictably, cries of "It's so unfair" and "Why should I have to pay for these people" came thick and fast. Yesterday published a piece by Matt Young. Despite our shared surname, Matt is no relation to me and I don't know him personally. I'm sure he's a lovely chap.

It's just that he, like far too many Australians, seems to think that disability has nothing to do with him. He works hard for his money. Why shouldn't he get to spend it how he wants?

... In the spirit of healthy debate, invited a response from me. I'm a fellow taxpayer, after all. I share some of Matt's concerns about wanting to decide what I spend my money on
... read the full article here, on Ramp Up

Labor's $14 billion national disability insurance scheme will be funded in part by a special Medicare-style levy set at 0.5 per cent of income, after Julia Gillard reversed her opposition to the funding option.

... It means the NDIS will become a reality, lifting the hopes of 2 million Australians living with disabilities and their carers.

The decision, likely to be announced within days, will result in the collection of about $3.5 billion a year towards the Commonwealth's major share of the scheme. It is expected to begin in 2014.

.... In a series of mixed messages emanating from the Coalition, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott recommitted to the NDIS but questioned the wisdom of a levy and hinted that the starting date should be subject to the state of the economy.

... read the full article here, from the Sydney Morning Herald.

Julia Gillard has confirmed workers will face a $300-a-year tax increase on average through the Medicare levy if she's re-elected to fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
But she has indicated the proposal will not be legislated in the current Parliament - suggesting the plan to hike the Medicare levy from July 1, 2014, will be taken to the election as Labor's policy ...

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