Wednesday 8 May 2013

T4321 in Bourke

Scrapheap Adventure Ride 2013 wasn't the only event celebrating World Down Syndrome Day and raising awareness about people with Down syndrome in far north western NSW recently.  The community of Bourke once again rallied for the cause around the local family of Kruz Ryan, holding a T4321 event, reporting it in their local paper, and raising over $1000 to support the work of Down Syndrome NSW!

Kruz Ryan, with his Mum, Lynette Gooch, Gay Bock, Melanie Hayman and Karen McKenna
Helper and supporters for T4321 in Bourke, 2013
Kruz's mother, Lynette said 'A big thank you to everyone who made a donation, or bought a plate from our ittle local boy. We live in an amazing community filled with generous, supportive people,' thanks echoed by all at Down Syndrome NSW.

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