Tuesday 14 May 2013

Two nomination processes now open: one NSW, one national

  • Nominate a NSW Don't DIS my ABILITY ambassador for 2013
Nominations are open from 9.00am Monday 13 May until midnight Monday 10 June. 

Each year, a number of people are selcted to be ambassadors for the  NSW Don’t DIS my ABILITY campaign. Ambassadors support and strengthen Don’t DIS my ABILITY by serving as the voice of the campaign to the community. With help from campaign staff, ambassadors communicate key campaign messages, share personal stories, and ultimately raise awareness of the abilities and achievements of people with disability.
  • National Disability Awards 2013
The 2013 National Disability Awards will take place in the Great Hall at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday 26 November 2013. 
Nominations in nine categories are now open and are scheduled to close on 5pm AEST Friday 28 June 2013.

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