Saturday 4 May 2013

Weekend reading and viewing, 4th - 5th May 2013

Paul has graduated from Columbia College!
Paul Sawka, Paul's Blog (Canadian Down Syndrome Society), 22nd April 2013
I am proud to be graduated from Columbia College ...It was hard work to get to college but once I was in college I enjoyed the work I got to do.

Our Scrapheap Adventure, Back o' Bourke 2013
Roger and Michelle Bamber, Keeping Up with DS NSW, 1st May 2013
In case you missed it earlier ... My husband and I with our three boys had the fantastic opportunity to join the Scrapheap Adventure Ride this year to the Back O’ Bourke, and it turned out to be a perfect adventure for three young boys ... My oldest son Josiah who is almost sixteen and has Down syndrome, became ‘one of the boys’ very quickly and it wasn’t long before he had conned his way onto a bike.

DS/ASD as I know it: The process of diagnosing autism in children with Down syndrome,
Jennifer Bekins, Talk-Down Syndrome, 1st May 2013
Having a clear diagnosis opens the door for appropriate services. Areas of need should guide treatment.

“Didn’t you get tested?”
Rachel Adams, Salon, 29th April 2013
... Since Mother’s Day is just around the corner, here’s the gift I’d most like to receive ... please remember that Henry is a child, not a political statement.

Day in the Life of Robert
Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services (undated)
At 35 years old, Robert has already lived a life fuller than most, despite early predictions from doctors that he wouldn’t even be able to so much as walk or talk. But walk and talk he does.

Tom Bachofner, The Future's Rosie, 1st May 2013
... my train of thought has been knocked off kilter this last week or so. My mind has been stuck in a little rut consuming itself with those dreaded 'What ifs'...

Life with Down syndrome is full of possibilities
Liz Szabo, USA Today, 1st May 2013
The lives of the 250,000 Americans with Down syndrome today are radically different than a generation ago ... Advocates for people with Down syndrome feel a new urgency to spread the word about these advances, as more women undergo prenatal tests for Down syndrome and other genetic conditions.

With Down syndrome diagnosis comes a wrenching choice
Liz Szabo, USA Today, 1st May 2013
... In some ways, medicine's ability to map out a person's genetic identity is outpacing society's understanding of what it means to live with a disability, or raise a child with one, says G. Kevin Donovan, a pediatrician and director of the Edmund Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University in Washington

Connect2Educate: AAC and iPads in the Classroom, 
Jane Farrall, Literacy, AAC and Assistive Technology blog, 2nd May 2013
Last year Fiona had a whole class of students who used iPads with Proloquo2Go as their high technology communication device – and the presentation today shared the journey in her classroom with the delegates at the (AGOSCI 2013) conference.

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