Thursday 13 June 2013

Commitment to real choice and control delayed by the NSW Government: Family Advocacy

Family Advocacy's position statement on news this week that the NSW Government has withdrawn one of the basic promises of Stronger Together 2:

'Stronger Together – The second phase provided a vital commitment. It said:
“Individualised funding arrangements will become available from 2011/12, and by the end of 2013/14, anyone receiving disability services will have the option of using an individualised and portable funding arrangement.” (page 21) 
This provided a target for the reform process. Hundreds if not thousands of people with disability and their families built trust with the NSW government and retained patience with the constraints in their lives waiting for 1 July 2014.

Minister Constance has now withdrawn the Government’s commitment to the 1 July 2014 start date indicating that the time line for the full implementation of the NDIS in NSW will take all the focus of Ageing Disability and Home Care. He reminds people that the NDIS roll out begins in the Hunter this July and will expand to other parts of NSW from July 2016.

This means depending on where you live, you may not get the opportunity to have control over your supports until 2018.'

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