Tuesday 18 June 2013

Good news on the NSW Guardianship Tribunal

From NSW Council for Intellectual Disability E-News, June 2013:

NSW CID has been strongly advocating for key features of the Guardianship Tribunal to be kept when it becomes part of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) in 2014.
One issue we were very concerned about was whether existing requirements for the Tribunal to have three members when it hears cases would be kept. We wrote a letter to the Attorney General, Greg Smith SC, strongly arguing for the existing three-member requirement to be kept. 
This was a joint letter with Alzheimer's NSW, the Brain Injury Association NSW and the Mental Health Coordinating Council. 
(NSW CID was) very pleased to receive a letter from the Attorney General assuring us that the existing three-member requirements will stay in place in the Guardianship Division of NCAT. NSW CID applauds the Attorney General for this decision.

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