Friday 7 June 2013

News and commentary on how the NDIS will work at the front lines (2)

Geelong picked as home for headquarters of national disability insurance scheme DisabilityCare
ABC News online, 3rd June 2013
Less than a fortnight after Ford announced it was closing its Geelong manufacturing plant, the regional Victorian city has been chosen as the headquarters of the new DisabilityCare agency.

Committee to oversee NDIS rollout, 4th June 2013
The House of Representatives on Tuesday agreed to set up a joint select committee to inquire into and report on the implementation of Labor's DisabilityCare Australia.

Rural people want flexibility in disability scheme
Amy McCosker, ABC Rural, 24th May 2013
People with a disability in regional Australia and their carers say they hope the National Disability Insurance Scheme brings more flexibility to support facilities in their area.

A landmark Reform to Improve Lives
Jenny Macklin, Chifley Research Centre, 27th May 2013
As the Parliament prepared to pass laws allowing for an increase to the Medicare Levy to help fund DisabilityCare Australia, the Prime Minister reminded the nation what a significant transformation was under way. The Prime Minister’s emotion as she spoke in the House was easily understood.

Disability Care for Beginners - Revolutions with Jon Faine
774 ABC local radio Melbourne, 29th May 2013
All parties agree that Australia needs national disability care. But what will it do? How will it work? Who will get what? And who won't? Jon Faine and guests discuss The National Disability Insurance Scheme and its implications. Audio download.

DisabilityCare name 'patronising': Coalition
Dan Harrison, The Age, 3rd June, 2013
... Opposition disabilities spokesman Mitch Fifield suggested that the name should be reconsidered before the advertising started. Senator Fifield said that the name was "close to being hated" by people with disabilities.

Roll out of DisabilityCare Australia
DisabilityCare Australia website
DisabilityCare Australia is the national disability insurance scheme. We are introducing the scheme in stages from July 2013. This is because it’s a big change, and we want to get it right and make it sustainable.

From 1 July 2013, DisabilityCare Australia begins in Tasmania for youth aged 15-24, in South Australia for children aged 0-14, and in the Barwon area of Victoria and the Hunter area in NSW for people up to age 65. From 1 July 2014, DisabilityCare Australia will commence in the ACT, and the Barkly region of Northern Territory. Roll out of the full scheme will commence progressively from July 2016.

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