Saturday 1 June 2013

Weekend reading and viewing: 1st - 2nd June 2013

We can do it! 
Tyler Faith Feder, Roaring Softly, March 2013
Happy International Women’s Day, everyone!  A fabulous image of a diverse and inclusive collection of women.

Can you assist us and each other?
Brian Chicoine, Adult Down Syndrome Clinic, 30th May 2013
... I would like to explore is having you help update or write patient education material.We will post information about a topic and ask you to share additional ideas and we will write patient education material with your assistance.How about if we start with dry skin. Below is some information we share. How can we improve it?

Changing attitudes and shifting perceptions
Caroline White at TEDxKingsCollegeLondon, posted 22nd May 2013
Caroline's passion is to raise awareness of (Down syndrome) and help to shift outdated perceptions surrounding disability whilst championing inclusion and making 'different' normal. Caroline's talk shows her transformation from fear of her child suffering from Down's Syndrome to acceptance to finally show us the power of difference.

Brennan Goes to Camp
Margaret Froehlke, Down Syndrome-Autism Connection, 30th May 2013
Brennan has Down syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He finally received the diagnosis of ASD when he was six years old. Up until then, we had no idea why his “Down syndrome” was so different from all the other kids we had met through the special education programs, and we could not understand why he had so many transition, sensory, social, and communication issues. It might seem sad to some parents to learn that their child has an additional diagnosis, but not for us...we were relieved! It helped us, and his educational team, to finally understand how we could work with the ASD to help reach him!

The world lies upward
Kelle Hampton, Enjoying the Small Things, 29th May 2013
... Twenty-nine years ahead of us on this journey, her voice oozes with the same love I feel for my own kids except there's more--years of stories, struggles, victories, experience. You can hear it behind her words, you can feel it in her voice ...  we hang on to those powerful words of Helen Keller: " world lies upward, the length and the breadth and the sweep of the heavens are mine."

Let’s talk about sex, babyKimchi Latkes (blog), 23rd May 2013
...I want him to experience his own sexuality. He may grow up with an intellectual disability, but I don’t see how that precludes him from partaking in the universal human experience. Love and sexuality are a huge part of that human experience.

Escape from labels. be free, be different: Sarah Gordy at TEDxYouth@HackneyMichelle Rossi (producer), 2nd April 2013
A professional actor with over 10 years experience in TV, theatre, radio and film - recent TV credits include 'Upstairs Downstairs' (Series 1 & 2), Doctors and Holby City. Sarah is also a Trustee of The Oyster Project a charity led and run by disabled people. She has Down syndrome but does not believe labels should define or limit what you can achieve. Currently, with the support of Arts Council funding, Sarah is co-producing and co-directing Oyster's first play with a professional creative team and Oyster members on stage.

School said 'hi' — special needs student took it from there
Vikki Ortiz Healy, Chicago Tribune, May 25, 2013
A few months before Ryan Burke became the first student with Down syndrome to attend Notre Dame College Prep in Niles, his father made an emotional plea to his son's classmates.

"All we ask is that you say 'hi' to him. Just give him a chance," Kevin Burke recalled saying at a school assembly. "He'll take it from there."

How not to say the wrong thing,
Susan Silk and Barry Goldman, Los Angeles Times (op-ed), April 7, 2013
Susan has ... developed a simple technique to help people avoid this mistake. It works for all kinds of crises: medical, legal, financial, romantic, even existential. She calls it the Ring Theory.
Not about Down syndrome, not about disability, but applicable - you'll get it.

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