Saturday 8 June 2013

Weekend reading and viewing 8th - 9th June 2013

The Cynic v The Anxious Wreck: a war storyLeticia, Embracing Wade, 16th May 2013
From the day Wade was born, I have been waging an internal war about how to manage the competing feelings of wanting to do the best for him, yet not wanting to get sucked in to the heaving pile of guilt-laden extra “stuff” that society makes you feel utterly compelled to do for your child, whether they need it or not. Cutest blog banner photo on the web!

When the perfect baby you adore suddenly becomes a stranger: One mother describes how she fell into a black hole when her son was diagnosed with Down's Syndrome
Faith Bleasedale, Daily Mail online (UK), 31st May 2013
You would think it’s something that you — not to mention the midwives — would notice immediately. But it was two months before I was given the news that changed everything.

Is Down syndrome already starting to disappear?
Mark Leach, Down Syndrome Prenatal Testing, 30th May 2013
Since the dawn of prenatal testing and selective abortion, critics and commentators have wondered whether Down syndrome will disappear from society. Experience this year suggests that it may now be happening.

Leaving Loyalist (College) - an online graduation address
Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 6th June 2013
I am impressed, first of all, that you have chosen the career you have chosen (disability support)- you will be told, over and over again, by those who don't know any better, that there must be something special about you, that you must be so kind, and so patient, and so special because you do what you do. Be wary of these compliments because they aren't complements at all - they are excuses for exclusion ...

The Global Plight of Disabled Children
The Editorial Board, New York Times Sunday Review, 1st June 2013
A United Nations report, The State of the World’s Children, underscores the moral bankruptcy of Senate Republicans who blocked ratification of a treaty to help disabled people around the world.

Talk - Down Syndrome: series of posts on childhood apraxia of speech
Jennifer Bekins, Talk - Down Syndrome, starting 3rd June 2013
The first two posts in this series were posted on 3rd and 5th June.

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