Thursday 29 August 2013

Federal election

All You Need to Know About Voting
DiscCo: Discussing all things disability, 
Thursday, August 22, 2013
You really can’t miss that we have an election coming up on 7 September to decide who will be our Government and local member for the next few years! So how do you make your voice heard and ensure things that are important to you and your community are put forward?

PWDA LinkUp #149 August 2013 
Newsletter of People with Disability Australia Inc
This Election edition of LinkUp is about the upcoming Federal Election. Voting is an important democratic right for all of us and this edition contains our four key messages for the 2013 Federal Election. People with Disability Australia’s election platform focuses on sustaining the NDIS, ending the barriers, stopping the abuse and making the Convention real, as realised through the National Disability Strategy.
We have taken a nonpartisan approach in developing this edition of LinkUp as well as our campaign strategy. This edition contains statements from the major parties on their respective disability policies in order to help you make an informed decision on Election day. We have also included information on accessible voting ... Guest Editor, Fiona Givens

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