Tuesday 13 August 2013

Research news update #6 for 2013

It's National Science Week - a good time to catch up on research related to people with Down syndrome.

UK and Europe Down Syndrome Research Forum 2013
The Down Syndrome Research Forum is a regular event, sponsored by Down Syndrome Education International, at which researchers active in areas related to Down syndrome can meet, share ideas and discuss recent findings.

The UK and Europe Down Syndrome Research Forum 2013 will be held at the University of Bristol on 17 and 18 September 2013. The  Forum offers a regular opportunity to share work in progress and seek support and advice from others working or interested in Down syndrome research. Researchers and postgraduate students from throughout the UK and Europe are invited to attend.

Presentations are accepted on a variety of topics - for example, attention, speech-motor development, sleep, behaviour, early reading development, school reading interventions, memory training, language development, autism, early family communication, and more.

Could Down syndrome hold the key to defeating Alzheimer's?
Lachlan Mackintosh ABC Radio 612, 1st August 2013
Could Down syndrome hold the key to defeating Alzheimer's? Queensland scientists have found a connection between the two using stem cell technology. Associate Professor, Ernst Wolvetang, from the University of Queensland's Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology joined the program to explain. Audio file to download 6m22s

DNA From Those With Down Syndrome Helps In Autoimmune Disease Research
CBS Denver, July 15, 2013
“People with Down syndrome get autoimmune diseases at a very high rate; almost a half of people with Down syndrome ... By studying people with Down syndrome we’ll be able to understand not only what causes autoimmune disease in Down syndrome, but also in the general population” ...

Abide Therapeutics and UC San Diego awarded grant from Cure Alzheimer’s Fund to validate therapeutic target
Abide Therapeutics, 16th July 2013
“The results of this study will help better fit the pieces of the Alzheimer’s puzzle together,” said Tim Armour, president and CEO of the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. Down syndrome is caused by chromosome 21 trisomy, which contains genes involved in Alzheimer’s disease, such as amyloid precursor protein (APP).

Looking into Language: A Study of How Medical Students View Disability
Rachel Cohen-Rottenberg, Disability and Representation, 26th July 2012
In the paper “What does ‘disability’ mean for medical students? An exploration of the words medical students associate with the term ‘disability,’” Margaret Byron and her colleagues discuss a study they carried out to assess the concepts, descriptors, and images that medical students associate with disability.
William Mobley, Global Down Syndrome Foundation Research & Medical Care Roundtable, 18th July 2013
Basic Research Panel Presentation. William Mobley, MD, PhD, is Executive Director, Down Syndrome Center for Research and Treatment, UC San Diego.

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