Saturday 24 August 2013

Weekend reading and viewing: 24th - 25th August 2013

A Letter To Our Son’s Teachers On His First Day Of Preschool
Rick and Abbie Smith, Noah's Dad, 2nd January, 2013
... I would like to take a moment to introduce you to our son Noah Smith. He is joining your class today and we are so excited for this next journey in his life. We wanted to take a few minutes to tell you a little bit about our son and let you know that we welcome any questions you may have (we’re super proud of him, and love to talk about him.) ...

How it all went Down(s) … Part two
Leecylou, A Lemonade Life, 13th August 2013
1 in 300 chance, they said. It’ll be all good, they said. Amnio Schmamnio, we said. Well here he is, our incredible little ’1′...

Cornwall, chums and chips
Tom Bachofner, The Future's Rosie, 20th August 2013
Natty is a true example of how a families love, care and belief can trample over those initial fears and so called obstacles we're led to believe are true in the early days of a Down's syndrome diagnosis. I came away from that day with such positive feelings for Rosie, oh and a recommendation for Britain's best chippy too!

Why college?
Margaret Bender, The Ordinary Life of an Extraordinary Girl, 20th August 2013
... One person even suggested I was letting down the entire down syndrome community by misrepresenting my daughter's abilities and that she really was not capable of going to college. I feel like I must have hit the big leagues to get comments like these!!!
A follow up post from Margaret Bender, in response to comments on her post earlier this week about Alex heading off to college.

Fort Lauderdale brothers take on kitchen and disability
Melhor Leonor, Sun Sentinel, 20th August 2013
Behind the countertop, one brother pulls out knives, the other quickly grabs the cutting boards. As one minces green onions, the other shells fava beans. In this kitchen, for brothers Luke and Dean Bergman, food is a family affair. But this isn't the family kitchen. The Bergman brothers work at Valentino Cucina Italiana, an upscale restaurant ... and Dean, the younger of the two, has Down syndrome.

I Am an Actress - I Also Happen to Have Down's Syndrome
Sarah Gordy, Huffington Post, 21st August 2013
I am lucky my mum is just right for me.

A Mother and Her Child in the World of Down Syndrome in Nepal
Michael Rosenkrantz, Huff Post Impact UK, 17th August 2013
... In Nepal there are few services specifically focused on people with Down Syndrome. Because of this and the goal of wanting more for Ashish, in 2006 Lalita founded the Down Syndrome Association of Nepal (DSAN). Lalita says that "If every child matters, every child has the right to a good start in life. If every child matters, every child has the right to be included. And that is so important for children with special needs" ...

Could it be a 'cure'? Breakthrough prompts Down syndrome soul-searching
JoNel Aleccia, NBC News, 11th August 2013
... when Massachusetts scientists announced recently that they’ve found a way to silence the chromosome that causes trisomy 21, also known as Down syndrome, it rocked (Jawanda) Mast – and the rest of the disability community.

Nothing about us without us
Katharine Annear, Ramp Up, 21st August 2013
... Some questions that come to my mind are: Do we want a world without certain types of people? Would we be better off as a society if certain types of people weren't born or could be altered in the very early stages of life through gene therapy? Who decides the research agenda?

23 Ways To Communicate With A Non-Verbal Child
Emma Sterland, Friendship Circle, 16th April 2013
“Just because a person can’t speak doesn’t mean they have nothing to say.” A very important reminder from a parent of a non-verbal child.

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