Tuesday 24 September 2013

Sexual Health Education: courses for teachers and service providers

Family Planning NSW provides training across NSW, information and resources to support people with disability in the area of sexuality, relationships, and reproductive and sexual health.  Readers might find the following workshops of interest.

Sexual Health Education for Life: the PDHPE Curriculum for students with disability
22nd November 2013
    A one day course for primary and secondary teachers who deliver sexual health and relationships education (SHRE) to students with intellectual disability. Strategies for teaching positive self-esteem, relationship skills, positive sexuality and safety are presented. Topics covered include sexuality model, myths and barriers and their impact on people with disability, curriculum scoping and sequencing, answering challenging questions, teaching strategies and working with families. Participants will also have the opportunity to view and use a range of SHRE resources.

    Down There
    9th October 2013
    This one day workshop is designed to build confidence and support for service providers to talk about reproductive and sexual health issues with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. Down There also now includes new content to update participants on core reproductive and sexual health topics including STIs and Contraception.
    • See the flyer for course aims and objectives.
    Family Planning NSWCourse Administration
    02 8752 4300

    The Family Planning NSW website lists a number of resources and information available about puberty and relationship education for people with disability and their families and carers. 

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