Tuesday 17 September 2013

Two reflections on families, by families ...

10 Reasons I’m Blessed to Be Raising My Two Kids with Down Syndrome
Eliana Tardio, Living and Loving with Down Syndrome, 22nd August, 2013
It has been more than 6 years since my daughter was born. Her unexpected diagnosis of Down syndrome kept me frozen and living with uncertainty for her first few weeks of life. I already had a child with Down syndrome, my 2 year-old son, and becoming the mother of two kids with Down syndrome really made me think of the future and my ability to take care of two kids with special needs. (This blog is also published in Spanish)

Who is your real-life Superhero?
Paul (Emily's Dad)  Orange Juice Flavour Sky, 20th August 2013
Superheroes are recognised as such by others. They themselves think what they’re doing is normal, nothing extraordinary, no super powers - just getting on with life and being themselves. Superheroes don’t have to try to be superheroes just like chickens don’t have to try to be chickens ... Our family superhero is my wife Sheron.

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