Saturday 28 September 2013

Weekend reading, listening and viewing: 28th - 29th September 2013

Jacob's Turn
Sprout Flix, 2010 (8 m)
... the story of Jacob Titus, a four-year-old boy from the small rural community of Floyds Knobs, Indiana. Jacob loves to play T-ball, like thousands of kids across the country. Jacob also happens to have Down syndrome. The film shows how Jacob’s “turn” at bat and on the field was a thrill for him, but more importantly, an event that transformed the hearts of everyone in his town. The script for the short film is based on his mother, Patricia Titus’ essay she wrote and submitted to the local newspaper. Based out of, and produced in, the Ohio Valley region, “Jacob’s Turn” also received a nomination in the Human Interest – News category.
A long list of films of varying lengths about people with Down syndrome is available on the Sprout Flix website, including several from Australia.

Down in Times Square
Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 22nd September 2013
... Not that it matters to anyone, I suppose, but I think that the organisations serving people with Down Syndrome do an awful lot right. They seem not to be afraid of the 'identity' of those they serve even as they focus on the 'personhood' of those they serve. The message that 'difference is difference' but 'the same is the same' is a difficult one to navigate but they do it so well ...

The Important Ingredients of Tom and Lydia’s Marriage
Posted on May 30, 2013
Linda Orso, DSA Greater St Louis blog, 20th May 2013
... While it would be fun to share their love story of how their relationship blossomed and grew over three years, we would rather share with you the important ingredients we believe enabled the relationship and marriage to happen ...

Converstation - with Stella Young
Steve Cannane, Conversation, ABC Local Radio, 24th September 2013
As the editor of ABC's Ramp Up website, Stella's keen to challenge perceptions of disability, so that people aren't simply classified by medical diagnoses. For her, disability is more often defined by poor access in built environments and inconsiderate behaviour than a person's physicality. Stella's advocacy began as a teenager in country Victoria, when she conducted a wheelchair access audit of her local main street. More recently, she's been heavily involved in the debate over Australia's need for a national disability insurance scheme.

Nightmare Come True: Police Training, Autism, and Down Syndrome
Jisun Lee, Kimchi Latkes, 20th September 2013
Sometimes I spend time worrying about my infant son’s future. My son with Down syndrome. My son with a disability. My son, a human being. Among the things I worry about is that the world will see him as nothing but a problem. An anomaly, a special circumstance, some thing to be ”handled” and “managed”.

In First, UN Holds High-Level Disability Summit
Shaun Heasley, Disability Scoop, 24th September 2013
Advocates and dignitaries from around the world converged at the United Nations on Monday for the international body’s first-ever high-level meeting on disabilities. With more than 1 billion people with disabilities globally, those behind the historic event at U.N. headquarters in New York said the gathering was convened to encourage inclusion of those with disabilities in all aspects of life ...

Awards Celebrate Innovative Ways of Living for People with Disability
ADHC, 19th September 2013
Minister for Disability Services John Ajaka has congratulated the winners and finalists of the 2013 NSW Disability Industry Innovation Awards presented at a ceremony in Sydney ...

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