Tuesday 29 October 2013

News and commentary on the NDIS (9): responses to concerns

Following our NDIS update post yesterday, Every Australian Counts (the campaign supporting the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme) has responded to media reports about possible changes to the scheme under the new government. We are posting a link their response here in a separate post for clarity, since yesterday's post covered a number of other topics relevant to the National Disability Insurance Scheme.  This reponse also links to Senator Mitch Fifield's media release on Friday 25th October:

Good management of the NDIS critical
Every Australian Counts, 28th October 2013
Media reports last week said the Federal Government is looking at absorbing the newly established agency administering the National Disability Insurance Scheme into Medibank Private, sparking concerns it was looking to scale back the scheme.

Good management of the NDIS is critical and we expect people with disability and their families, carers and disability organisations who have worked so hard to not only introduce the NDIS but ensure open and accountable governance will demand scrutiny of any proposals to change the way the scheme is administered ...

Added 29th October 2013:
Advocates Dispute NDIS Delivery Plan
ProBono Australia News, 28th October 2013
Advocates for people with disabilities have hit back at Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey’s suggestion that the National Disability Insurance Scheme could be managed by Medibank Private ...

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