Saturday 12 October 2013

Weekend reading and viewing: 12th - 13th October 2013

The Seer and the Seen
Dave Hingsburger, Rolling Around in My Head, 10th October 2013
I saw a young man with Down Syndrome, maybe 8 years old. He was with both his mom and dad and they were having a good time. He was happy. I know those kinds of moments. I have them all the time. Moments of complete and utter inclusion, where disabilities and differences of all sorts just drop away. Lovely, lovely moments. He looked to be having one of those ... Make sure you read right to the end, and then read the comments - they might give you an idea or two.

Disadvantage and Intellectual Disability - why do we continue to ignore it?
Daniel Leighton, Ramp Up, 4th October 2013
People who are isolated by the nature of their disability are at risk of a loneliness. People with intellectual disability, whose needs and presence are rarely in the public eye, encounter additional challenges and limitations to daily life. Daniel Leighton asks, what will it take to end their deep and persistent disadvantage?

Killed over a movie ticket: How law enforcement hurts people with disabilities
Emily Shire, Salon, 6th October 2013
A man with Down syndrome died in a confrontation with police ... In late July, the federal government finally took note and opened an investigation into whether police violated Saylor’s civil rights. This slow-moving process reveals something disturbing: Our law enforcement system often fails to protect people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and, in some cases, is complicit in their abuse ...

Summary of Nojin decision
Disability Rights Blog (Australian Human Rights Commission), 10th October 2013
Nojin and Prior v Coffs Harbour Challenge Inc (in liquidation), Stawell Intertwine Services and the Commonwealth of Australia [2012] FCAFC 192
Mr Nojin has a moderate intellectual disability and epilepsy. Mr Nojin had worked at an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) called Coffs Harbour Challenge for almost 25 years. Mr Prior has a mild to moderate intellectual disability and is legally blind. Mr Prior had worked at an ADE called Stawell Intertwine Services for about two years ...

Graeme’s speech – National Disability Services conference re Nojin decision BSWAT
Graeme Innes, Disability Rights Blog (Australian Human Rights Commission), 10th October  2013
This week, Disability Discrimination Commissioner Graeme Innes spoke to the National Disability Services conference about the application for an exemption from the Disability Discrimination Act relating to the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool. Here is what he said ...

Team Australia official announcement and function Admiralty House (27 photos)
Special Olympics Australia, 11th October 2013
Photos from the announcement of the 400 Australian athletes who will represent Australia at the inaugural the Special Olympics Asia Pacific Games, taken at a formal event at Admiralty House, Sydney, hosted by the Governor-General. 
The first photo is of a delighted Lucy Dumitrescu meeting Geoff Heugill. The Games begin in 50 days in Newcastle.

The names of all of Team Australia's 400 athletes and their support teams have now been posted online, with links to the their individual fund-raising pages for the Asia Pacific Games - start here.

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